Milestone 0.8 update

Posted November 11, 2012 by dnschnur

We’ve officially finished the project’s migration to Github, with the last of our wiki pages migrated to our Github wiki. This was a long process, but it has set us up well for all our upcoming development.

This means that we can finally focus on the long-awaited Flot 0.8 release! We’ve assembled an official 0.8 milestone to identify the issues that need to be addressed and track our progress towards the release.

Because we’d like to get something into your hands soon, we obviously couldn’t include everything for this milestone. If your favorite issue didn’t make it in, don’t worry; you’ll notice that there’s already a 0.9 milestone where we’re starting to gather some of the issues that were important, but couldn’t quite make it into 0.8. The broad areas that we’re focusing on for this release are:

As part of the last point, Jürgen Marsch has created some cool Youtube videos that provide a more accessible introduction to the library; one of our goals for the 0.8 release is to update the docs section of this site to serve as a central hub for these videos as well as other examples and resources.

Please take a look at the milestone’s open issues, and consider contributing a little time to solve one. There are only 47 open issues, so it doesn’t take much work to make a big contribution to the release. As soon as all issues are closed we’ll move into beta, with a final release not long after.

In other news, I had the opportunity to attend the first [jQuery DeveloperSummit] (, held at the AOL campus just outside Washington DC. I met a ton of great people, including several members of the core jQuery and jQuery UI teams, and had the opportunity to work on jQuery’s new plugins site. It was a fantastic experience, and I’m excited to carry what I learned - particularly with respect to our own growing library of plugins - over to Flot.

Finally, we’ve added an RSS feed for this blog, making it easier to follow our progress.